Sunday, May 15, 2011

Points to Ponder - Week 2

I enjoyed reading Chapter 2 of our text because I was able to re-familiarize myself with the teachings of both the objectivist and constructivist theorists. I remember studying these individuals in my undergraduate coursework; however, it was refreshing to reconnect with these theorists and explore how their teaching and ideas can be related to the use technology.

Although I understand that it is important to combine both directed instruction and constructivist approaches in order to meet the diverse needs of students, I personally feel more connected to the ideas and concepts developed by the constructivists. I like the idea of utilizing technology to assist students in learning concepts that are abstract and complex. Also, I like that the constructivists recognize the importance of allowing students to discover new concepts and explore learning on their own. I believe that today’s technology provides ample opportunities for self-discovery and exploration. Finally, I also agree that utilizing technology in the classroom can provide the ultimate opportunity to enhance cooperative learning.

It was interesting to read about TPACK and the many facets that are needed to make technology integration successful.  When I was teaching dance at the high school level, I never took the time to stop and think about how my content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge needed to be intertwined in order to successfully implement lessons utilizing technology. Looking back, I believe that I was more concerned about trying to integrate technology into my curriculum in order to meet the requirements set forth by my administration.  Yes, I did integrate technology into many of my lessons, but did I do it successfully? Therefore, I feel like the “muddiest point” for me is learning how to strategically plan the integration of technology using the TPACK and TIP models. Chapter 2 of our text has given me some good insight on how to successfully plan the integration of technology in future lessons.
TPACK to the Rescue!  


  1. I think you hit on a key point for me, Melissa. I want to use technology because it helps students learn better, not simply because I'm required to. Thanks for the post - and the cartoon!

  2. Hey and I always seem to be thinking the same things and this post was just one more example! I agree with you wholeheartedly and wish others embraced technology the same way! A brilliant post!
